Flowering tree giveaway slated for tornado victims in Dundee


DUNDEE, Mich. -- The Dundee Area Rotary will give away flowering trees from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. May 14 to residents and business owners who lost trees last year in the June 6 tornado.

The organization began Plant a Tree For Dundee last year to help restore the landscape that was badly damaged in the devastating storm.

Officials estimate the tornadoes caused more than $8 million in damage, and the village incurred more than $800,000 in cleanup costs. An estimated 1,600 trees were knocked down or uprooted.

"Dundee Area Rotary is helping to replace the hundreds of trees lost in the tornado, and we pride ourselves in helping to rebuild a beautiful community, Rotarian Tammy Phillips, program co-chairman, said.

The trees will be given out on a first-come, first-served basis in Old Mill parking lot. One tree per residence or business will be distributed.

For more information, contact Tammy Phillips 734-823-5432 or Rachel Lloyd at 734-755-3966.