Orchard Center marks Count Day

  • Orchard-Center-pumpkin-design

    Orchard Center High School art teacher Melissa Smith, center, and student Boston Dussia, left, and Veronica Marsh put the head on their pumpkin entry in the pumpkin design contest.

  • Orchard Center High School art teacher Melissa Smith, center, and student Boston Dussia, left, and Veronica Marsh put the head on their pumpkin entry in the pumpkin design contest.
    Orchard Center High School art teacher Melissa Smith, center, and student Boston Dussia, left, and Veronica Marsh put the head on their pumpkin entry in the pumpkin design contest.

    Orchard Center High School art teacher Melissa Smith, center, and students Boston Dussia, left, and Veronica Marsh put the head on their entry in the pumpkin design contest. The contest was part of Count Day, the official day on which all public schools in Michigan record the number of students attending their schools. The district held a series of events to entice students to attend school.

    Orchard Center High School senior Kadizjah O'Haver, left, and Principal Stephanie Cavanugh serve franks at the end of Count Day.
    Orchard Center High School senior Kadizjah O'Haver, left, and Principal Stephanie Cavanugh serve franks at the end of Count Day.

    Orchard Center senior Kadizjah O'Haver, left, and principal Stephanie Cavenaugh serve hot dogs during the Franks and Fries Feast on Count day.