Renovations to close library until Monday

Cabinets to be installed, counter to get longer

This area of the Bedford Branch Library will be a printing area for the computer stations. Three printers are to be grouped into a single location during the renovations.
This area of the Bedford Branch Library will be a printing area for the computer stations. Three printers are to be grouped into a single location during the renovations.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This version corrects the days the Bedford library will be closed.

TEMPERANCE -- The Bedford Branch Library will be closed Wednesday through Monday so cabinetry can be installed for six additional computer stations and the counter at the circulation desk can be lengthened. The library will reopen Monday.

The project has been in planning since summer, when the Bedford Township Board gave the go-ahead for the improvements.

The circulation desk counter is to be extended by a few feet near the library's main entrance and is to have a curve wrapping around the end. The improvement will give the desk two entrances, making it easier for staff to assist library patrons.

The computers will be purchased by the Monroe County Library System, with funds from a $100,000 federal grant that is being spent to improve access to computer technology at the system's 16 branches, according to Nancy Bellaire interim director of the county system.

Ms. Bellaire said the Bedford branch also is to acquire 10 laptops for use in the building, which has a wireless network.

The improvements also will include another printer, increasing the library's total to three, and grouping the printers into a single, integrated station.

The cost of the renovations is projected to be $30,000, money the library has in its budget. Included in the sum is $8,580 for the computer stations and $12,265 for the circulation desk modification.

The authorization of the township board was required because the township owns the library building and supports operations with a property tax that generates about $150,000 annually.

The library is currently without a head librarian because of the retirement of Lois White on Dec. 16 after almost 40 years with the library system. Ms. Bellaire said there are four final candidates to replace her who will be interviewed by the library branch's advisory board Jan. 6. Two are from other branches and two are from the Bedford branch, she said.

The Friends of the Bedford Library, Bedford Garden Club, and Bedford Herb Group are paying for library enhancements this month that include additional acrylic display racks and decorative urns.