Mon­roe High’s band earns top award at fest


The Mon­roe High School Tro­jan March­ing Band earned a Divi­sion One rat­ing at the Mich­i­gan School Band and Orches­tra As­so­ci­a­tion’s Dis­trict 12 March­ing Fes­ti­val on Oct. 8 at Flat Rock High School.

The band, which has won many march­ing and con­cert per­for­mance awards, is un­der the di­rec­tion of James Nuechter­lein. A Divi­sion One rat­ing is con­sid­ered an out­stand­ing per­for­mance and is the high­est dis­tinc­tion. Eleven bands com­peted at the fes­ti­val.