3 men robbed, 1 shot in North Toledo at­tack


Three men were robbed and one shot in the leg by an as­sail­ant, in North Toledo just af­ter mid­night Wed­nes­day morn­ing, Toledo po­lice said.

Shoot­ing vic­tim Steve Jones, Jr., 24, was listed in se­ri­ous con­di­tion later Wed­nes­day in Mercy St. Vin­cent Med­i­cal Center.

The three vic­tims told in­ves­ti­ga­tors two men pulled hand­guns on them at 150 E. Park St. about 12:02 a.m. and or­dered them to the ground. The rob­bers went through their pock­ets and took cell phones and a ben­e­fits card.

One of the gun­men told Mr. Jones to “stop mov­ing around” and shot him in the back of the right leg, the po­lice re­port said.

The gun­men were de­scribed as about 19 years old, about 5 feet and 7 inches tall, of thin build, and wear­ing black hooded jack­ets. They were last seen run­ning to­ward War­saw Street.