Ourtowns Calendars 2/4


What's On


● Syl­va­nia First United Meth­od­ist Church Chris­tian Pre­school open house at 7000 Erie St., 2-4 p.m. Feb. 10. Par­ents can meet the staff and tour the school, as well as reg­is­ter for the 2013-2014 school year. In­for­ma­tion: 419-885-4249.

● Stu­dent mu­si­cian per­for­mance from Bowl­ing Green State Univer­sity at the Manor House at Wild­wood Pre­serve Metropark from 7:30-8:30 p.m. on Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26, and March 19 and 26. In­for­ma­tion: 419-407-9726.

● Pan­cake din­ner hosted by Olivet Chris­tian Nurs­ery School at Olivet Lu­theran Church, 5840 Mon­roe St., 5-7 p.m. Tues­day. Event in­cludes face paint­ing, raf­fles, a live auc­tion, and more.

● Hearts of Fire Val­en­tine’s dance at the Syl­va­nia Coun­try Club, 5201 Co­rey Rd., 7 p.m. Feb. 16. The dance is to ben­e­fit the Toledo North­west­ern Ohio Food Bank. In­for­ma­tion: 419-242-5000, ext. 212 or to­led­o­food­bank.org.

West Toledo

● Amer­i­can Le­gion lun­cheon with Amer­i­can Le­gion ser­vice of­fi­cer Pat Grzy­bowski at the Toledo Club, 235 14 St., 11:30 a.m. Fri­day. In­for­ma­tion: 419-868-3039.

● Euchre tour­na­ment at Knights of Co­lum­bus Hall, 4256 Se­cor Rd., 7 p.m. Fri­day. $5 en­try fee. In­for­ma­tion: 419-474-9233.

● Open com­mu­nity events at Alexis Gardens Inde­pen­dent Re­tire­ment Com­mu­nity, 4560 West Alexis Rd., 2 p.m. Fri­day, Satur­day, and Sun­day. Events in­clude an open talk on di­a­be­tes ed­u­ca­tion, the Travel Club and Italy, and a choc­o­late ex­trav­a­ganza. In­for­ma­tion: 419-472-7115 or alex­is­gar­dens.com.

● Heart & Soul: Car­ing for Our Com­mu­nity hosts its 9th an­nual men­tal health ben­e­fit at The Bird­cage in­side Fifth Third Field, 6:30-10 p.m. Satur­day. $40 per per­son in ad­vance or $50 at the door. Cost in­cludes din­ner, en­ter­tain­ment, and free park­ing. Si­lent auc­tion will also oc­cur. In­for­ma­tion: 419-349-5643 or heartand­soul­toledo.com.

● I.M.A. Sun­day polka dance at Conn-Wiess Amer­i­can Le­gion Hall, 2020 West Alexis Rd., 12:30-6 p.m. Sun­day. In­for­ma­tion: 419-478-6068.

● Val­en­tine’s night dance pre­sented by the Gift of Mu­sic pro­gram of Gesu Church at 2049 Parkside Blvd., 7 p.m. Feb. 15. Tick­ets are $10 each. Beer and wine avail­able for pur­chase at the dance. Tick­ets and in­for­ma­tion: 419-450-0418.

● De­tec­tive Keith Dres­sel me­mo­rial blood drive hosted by the Amer­i­can Red Cross at TPPA Hall, 1947 Frank­lin Ave., 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Feb. 21. Visit red­cross­blood.org and use spon­sor code KeithDres­sel.

● Em­manuel Chris­tian School open house din­ner at 4607 Las­key Rd., Feb. 23. For times and in­for­ma­tion: 419-885-7030 or 419-885-3558.

● Boat­ing course hosted by Toledo Sail & Power Squad­ron at Jef­fer­son High School, 5530 Whit­mer Dr., 6:30-8:30 p.m. ev­ery Thurs­day for five weeks be­gin­ning Thurs­day. Cer­ti­fi­ca­tion awarded upon pass­ing of exam. In­for­ma­tion: 734-755-7252.


● 2013 Ful­ton County Re­lay For Life meet­ings at the Ful­ton County Fair­grounds at 7 p.m. to­day. In­for­ma­tion: 419-572-1783 or ful­ton­re­lay@gmail.com.


● Mak­ing Sense of the Amer­i­can Civil War fi­nal ses­sion at the Lenawee Dis­trict Li­brary, 4459 West U.S. 223, 6:30 p.m. Wed­nes­day. In­for­ma­tion: 517-448-8125.


● His­tor­i­cal So­ci­ety of Bed­ford meet­ing at the Bed­ford Li­brary, 8575 Jack­man Rd., Tem­per­ance, 7 p.m. to­day. An­nual dues will be col­lected.

● Bed­ford High School Alumni As­so­ci­a­tion 12th an­nual Flor­ida re­union at Clas­sic Home­style Buf­fet, 2775 Lake Al­fred Rd., Winter­haven, Fla., 11:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Feb. 27. In­for­ma­tion: 330-335-9922 or bed­fordyes.com.


● Ma­chine Em­broi­dery Guild meet­ings 11 a.m. Satur­day at Quilt Heaven Quilt Shop, 8177 Se­cor Rd. Mem­ber­ship in­for­ma­tion: 419-841-5373.


● Tran­si­tion plan­ning par­ent in­for­ma­tion night hosted by the Mon­roe County Par­ent Ad­vi­sory Com­mit­tee, at Air­port High School’s Me­dia Center, 11330 Graf­ton Rd., Carl­ton, 6-8 p.m. Wed­nes­day. Free; res­er­va­tions are re­quired. In­for­ma­tion: 734-654-6208, ext. 2039 or 734-242-5799, ext. 1916.

● Fo­rum on lo­cal ca­reer and tech­ni­cal ed­u­ca­tion of­fer­ings with pres­i­dent of the Mich­i­gan State Board of Ed­u­ca­tion at the Mon­roe County In­ter­me­di­ate School Dis­trict’s Pro­fes­sional Devel­op­ment Center, 1101 South Rais­in­ville Rd., 6 p.m. Wed­nes­day. Res­er­va­tions are re­quested by to­day. In­for­ma­tion: 734-242-5799, ext. 1010.

● 26th an­nual Black His­tory Month Blues Ser­ies con­cert hosted by the Mon­roe Li­brary System, at the Mon­roe County Com­mu­nity Col­lege’s Meyer Theater, 1555 South Rais­in­ville Rd., 6 p.m. Feb. 23. The con­cert will fea­ture The Lionel Young Band, John La­tini, Gaye Adeg­b­a­loa, and the Rev. Robert B. Jones. In­for­ma­tion: 734-241-5277 or mon­roe.lib.mi.us/blues.htm.


● Il­lu­sion­ist Ja­son Bishop will be per­form­ing at the Tecum­seh Center for the Arts, 400 North Maumee St., 7:30 p.m. Satur­day. $26 for adults, $24 for se­niors, and $20 for youth to 18 years-old. Tick­ets and in­for­ma­tion: 517-423-6617 or theTCA.org.

Let's Eat


● Made-to-or­der om­e­lets, all-you-can-eat break­fast at VFW Post 2898, 3925 W. Alexis Rd., 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Satur­day. Ome­lets, sau­sage gravy/bis­cuits, pan­cakes, and more. Cost: $6. 419-473-9649.

● Sun­day break­fast at Riverview Yacht Club, 5981 Edge­wa­ter Dr., Point Place, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Sun­days. Eggs, po­ta­toes, ba­con, sau­sage, ham, bis­cuits/gravy, made-to-or­der om­e­lets, french toast, pan­cakes, break­fast bur­ri­tos, toast, juice, and cof­fee. Cost: $7 adults; $6 se­niors; $5 chil­dren. Ben­e­fits the 2013 Com­mo­dore’s Ball. 419-729-9251.

● St. Cas­par Knights of Co­lum­bus break­fast buf­fet, Par­ish Life Center, 1205 N. Shoop Ave., Wau­seon, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Sun­day. Pan­cakes, sau­sage, scram­bled eggs, fruit, bis­cuits/gravy, cof­fee, and juice. Free-­will do­na­tion.

● All-you-can-eat break­fast at Deer­field Amer­i­can Le­gion, 105 W. River St., Deer­field, Mich., 9 a.m.-noon Sun­day. Menu: pan­cakes, eggs, sau­sage, ham, sau­sage gravy/bis­cuits, milk, cof­fee, juice. Cost: $6 adults; $5 se­niors (over 62); $3 chil­dren 5-13; and un­der 5 free.

● All-you-can-eat break­fast buf­fet by Knights of Co­lum­bus of St. An­thony, Fr. John A. Kenna Coun­cil, St. An­thony Par­ish’s Kenna Hall, 4609 St. An­thony Rd., White­ford Town­ship, Mich­i­gan, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Sun­day. Menu: eggs, toast, po­ta­toes, ham, sau­sage, ba­con, pan­cakes, bis­cuits/gravy, and drinks. Cost: $7 adults; $6 se­niors; and $4 for chil­dren 12 and younger. Details: 734-856-2331.

● Delta Amer­i­can Le­gion Post 373, 5939 State Rt. 109, Delta, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Sun­days. All-you-can-eat break­fast. Cost: $6.50 for adults; $4 for chil­dren ages 4-12, and free for chil­dren un­der 3. 419-822-4526.

● Just Pan­cakes at Salem Lu­theran Church, 1125 N. Huron St., 8-10 a.m. Satur­days. Free. 419-693-9082.

Fish Fries

● St. Joseph Cath­o­lic School Len­ten fish fry, 2238 Man­hat­tan St., Erie, Mich., 4:30-7:30 p.m. Fri­days be­gin­ning Feb. 15. All-you-can-eat perch and ti­lapia, with pop­corn shrimp, cheesy po­ta­toes, cole­slaw, roll, des­sert, and bev­er­age. Meat­less spa­ghetti avail­able. Cost: $12 adults; $10 se­niors; $6 chil­dren 12 and un­der. 734-848-6985 or StJosephErie.com.

● Tem­per­ance Amer­i­can Le­gion Son’s fish fry, 620 W. Tem­per­ance Rd., 5-7:30 p.m. Fri­days start­ing Feb. 15. All-you-can-eat cod, fries, cole­slaw, roll, and des­sert. Cost: $5 chil­dren; $9 adults. Car­ry­out: 734-847-9245.

● St. Cas­par Knights of Co­lum­bus fish fry, 1205 N. Shoop Ave., Wau­seon, 4:30-7 p.m. Feb. 15. Menu: fried or baked fish, cole­slaw, po­tato, ap­ple­sauce, and des­serts. $8 adults.

● Holy Trin­ity Par­ish fish fry in the par­ish’s Com­mu­nity Center, U.S. 20 and State Rt. 64, As­sump­tion, Ohio, 5-8 p.m. Fri­day. Cost: $8 adult/car­ry­out; $4 chil­dren grades 1-8; pre­school free.

● Conn-Weis­sen­berger Post 587, 2020 W. Alexis Rd., 5-7 p.m. Fri­days. Fish din­ner (all-you-can-eat), $8; 3-piece chicken or shrimp din­ner $7.50, combo (fish and shrimp) din­ner $9. In­cludes fries, mac­a­roni and cheese, cole­slaw, and ap­ple­sauce. 419-471-0587.


● Smoked kiel­basa din­ner at Res­ur­rec­tion Pol­ish Na­tional Cath­o­lic Church, 1835 W. Tem­per­ance Rd., Tem­per­ance, 5-7 p.m. Thurs­day. Fresh smoked kiel­basa, pi­e­rogi, sweet/sour cab­bage, veg­e­ta­ble, cof­fee cake, des­sert, and bev­er­age. Cost: $8. De­liv­ery in Bed­ford Town­ship area call 419-509-1115 be­fore Thurs­day.

● Pork loin din­ner by the Aux­il­iary at Amer­i­can Le­gion Adams Town­ship Post 553, 206 S. Byrne Rd., 5-8 p.m. Fri­day. Pork loin, cheesy po­ta­toes, veg­e­ta­ble, salad, des­sert, and cof­fee or tea. Cost: $8. Pro­ceeds ben­e­fit vet­er­ans.

● Spa­ghetti din­ner fund-raiser by Youth In Phi­lan­thropy En­cour­ag­ing Ex­cel­lence pro­gram at the Amer­i­can Le­gion Post 587, 2020 W. Alexis Rd., 5-8 p.m. Satur­day. 50/50 and des­sert raf­fle at 7:45 p.m. Cost: $7. Take-out avail­able. In­for­ma­tion: lead­er­ship­toledo.org.

● Val­en­tine’s Day prime rib din­ner by Men’s Aux­il­iary of VFW Post 9656, 4120 Piehl Rd., Lam­bert­ville, 5 p.m. Feb. 14. In­cludes baked po­tato, salad, and des­sert. Cost: $25 cou­ple or $15 for sin­gle. Take­outs: 734-854-8345.

At the Library

Delta Pub­lic Li­brary

402 Main St., Delta; 419-822-3110.

● Sto­ry­time for ages 3 1/2-5 years, 10 a.m. Tues­days.

● Quilt club, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Mon­days.

● Reg­is­tra­tion be­ing ac­cepted for Tod­dler Tales. Chil­dren ages 2-3. Call to reg­is­ter. Classes be­gin 10 a.m. Feb. 12.

Erie Branch Li­brary

2065 Erie Rd., Erie,.; 734-848-4420.

● Erie book club, 6:30 p.m. ev­ery sec­ond Mon­day of the month. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

● Play­group, 10:30 a.m. Tues­days. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

Toledo-Lu­cas County Pub­lic Li­brary

325 Mich­i­gan St., Toledo; 419-259-5381.

● Ask a pat­ent/copy­right/trade­mark at­tor­ney, 7-8:30 p.m. Tues­day.

● Dis­cus­sion of The La­cuna by Bar­bara King­solver, 2 p.m. Thurs­day.

● Ev­ery­thing ebooks sem­i­nars to be held at the li­brary down­town, as well as at var­i­ous branches in the Toledo area in Feb­ru­ary. Call for times and lo­ca­tions.

Wash­ing­ton Branch Li­brary

5560 Harvest Lane; 419-259-5330.

● Romance on the Board, Feb. 11-15. Try your hand at our gi­ant word search puz­zle. Grades 6-12.

Bed­ford Branch Li­brary

8575 Jack­man Rd., Tem­per­ance; 734-847-6747.

● Amer­i­can Cancer So­ci­ety make­over event, 6-8 p.m. to­day. Learn makeup tech­niques from cos­me­tol­ogy pro­fes­sion­als.

● Open knit­ting, 6-8:45 p.m. to­day.

● Home ed­u­ca­tors book club, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Tues­day. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

● Tai chi for health, 10:30 a.m.-noon Tues­day.

● Adult read­ing, 4-6 p.m. Tues­day.

● Bed­ford Flower and Garden Club, 6-8 p.m. Wed­nes­day.

● Ev­ery­thing eread­ers, 7 p.m. Wed­nes­day. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quested.

● Paws to Read, 7-8 p.m. Wed­nes­day. Read to a reg­is­tered ther­apy dog. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

● Au­tis­tic chil­dren sup­port group, 7-8:45 p.m. Wed­nes­day.

● Bed­ford Art­ists’ Club mean­ing, 7 p.m. Feb. 19. Guest art­ist Cheri Lad­wig will be in at­ten­dance.

Dun­dee Branch Li­brary

144 E. Main St., Dun­dee; 734-529-3310.

● Tod­dler sto­ry­time, 9-10 a.m. and 10:30-11:30 a.m. Tues­days.

● Pre­school sto­ry­time, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Mon­days. Ages 3-5. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

● Dra­matic play, 10-11 a.m. to­day. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

● Manic Mon­days, 3-4 p.m. to­day. Ages 13 and up.

Lenawee County Li­brary

4459 West U.S. 223, Adrian; 517-263-1011.

● Fam­ily sto­ry­time, 10:30 a.m. Tues­days.

● Civil War dis­cus­sion, 6:30 p.m. Wed­nes­day.

Ra­sey Me­mo­rial Branch Li­brary

4349 Oak St., Luna Pier, Mich.; 734-848-4572.

● Movie night, 6:30 p.m. Fri­day. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

Sum­mer­field-Peters­burg Branch Li­brary

60 E. Center St., Peters­burg; 734-279-1025.

● Small Fries, 10 a.m. Fri­days.

● Pre­school Sto­ry­time, 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Mon­days.

● Tod­dler sto­ry­time, 10 a.m. Fri­days for chil­dren 12-36 months. Reg­is­tra­tion re­quired.

Senior Citizens' Activities

Friend­ship Park Se­nior Center

2930 131st St., Point Place; 419-936-3079.

Lunch at 11:45 a.m. week­days.

AARP meet­ing, 12:30 p.m. Thurs­day.

Boost­ers, 12:30 p.m. Tues­day.

Syl­va­nia Se­nior Center

7140 Syl­va­nia Ave.; 419-885-3913.

Lunch served from 11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. week­days. Sug­gested do­na­tion: 60-plus $2.50; oth­ers, $5.32. Res­er­va­tions re­quired.

Strength and bal­ance, 1-2 p.m. Wed­nes­day and 10:30-11:30 a.m. Fri­day. Call for reg­is­tra­tion.

Arch­bold Nu­tri­tion Site

Ruih­ley Park, Scout Cabin., Arch­bold; 419-445-3590.

Zingo, 10:30 a.m. to­day.

Site coun­cil open meet­ing, 10:45 a.m. Wed­nes­day.

Me­red­ith Grime from the OSU Ex­ten­sion Of­fice, 11 a.m. Feb. 11.

Len­ten Bible study, 11 a.m. Feb. 13 and Feb. 20.

Delta Nu­tri­tion Site

401 Main St., Delta; 419-822-3452.

Ameri­care bingo, 11 a.m. Tues­day.

Blood pres­sure checks, 10:15 a.m. Feb. 14.

Site coun­cil, 10:30 a.m. Feb. 14.

Birth­day day, 10:45 a.m. Feb. 19.

Fay­ette Nu­tri­tion Site

105 E. Main St., Fay­ette; 419-237-1340.

Zingo, 11 a.m. Tues­day.

Site coun­cil, 10:45 a.m. Thurs­day.

Me­red­ith Grime from the OSU Ex­ten­sion of­fice, 11 a.m. Feb. 12.

Len­ten Bible study group, 11 a.m. Feb. 26.

Ful­ton County Se­nior Center

240 Clin­ton St., Wau­seon; 419-337-9299.

Reg­is­tered nurse Judy Cook and Heart Health, 11 a.m. Mon­day.

Pen Pal Val­en­tines craft ses­sion, 10 a.m. Tues­day.

Me­red­ith Grim from the OSU Ex­ten­sion Of­fice, 11 a.m. Wed­nes­day.

Blan­kets of Love ses­sion, 10:30 a.m. Fri­day. Blan­kets for the Dial­y­sis Center in Wau­seon.

Ful­ton County Health Center Stress Center meet­ing, 11 a.m. Feb. 11.

Swan­ton Nu­tri­tion Site

210 N. Main St., Swan­ton; 419-826-9776.

Ful­ton County Dep­uty Sher­iff Tracy Zu­ver, 11 a.m. Fri­day.

Black Swamp Dul­ci­mer Gather­ing Group, 11 a.m. Feb. 20.

Bed­ford Se­nior Center

1652 Samaria Rd., Tem­per­ance, Mich.; 734-856-3330.

To­day: Fit­ness, 9 a.m.; bingo, 12:30 a.m.

Tues­days: Bridge, 9 a.m.; square dance, 1 p.m.; line dance, 2:45 p.m.

Wed­nes­days: Fit­ness, 9 a.m.; hobby/crafts, 10 a.m.; bunco, 12:30 p.m.

Thurs­days: Quil­ters, 9 a.m.; blood pres­sure checks, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.; eu­chre tour­na­ment, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Fri­days: Bible study, 11 a.m.; square dance, 1 p.m.

French­town Se­nior Center

2786 Viv­ian Rd., Mon­roe; 734-243-6210.

Web site: french­townse­nior.com.

To­day: Bridge, 9 a.m.; quilt class, 10 a.m.; tai chi, 10 a.m.

Tues­day: Acrylic paint­ing, 12:30 p.m.; Bunco Babes, 1 p.m.; Chix and Stix, 1 p.m.

Wed­nes­day: Hand and foot care, 9 a.m.; Euchre, 9:30 a.m.; tap dance class, 11 a.m.; Pi­nochle, 12:45 p.m.

Thurs­day: Pool league, 1 p.m.; line danc­ing, 2 p.m.

Fri­day: Swed­ish weav­ing, 9 a.m.; wa­ter­color class, 12:30 p.m.; bingo, 1 p.m.