The End Zone: OSU 11-10


If someone had the foresight to copyright "one game at a time" and charged a Susan B. Anthony each time it was used, Bill Gates would be asking you for a loan right now. In this era of endless spin and chalky prepared statements, when the players and the coaches all sound the same due to stock answers that are as worn out as the tires on an '84 F-150 pickup, anything fresh or different is appreciated.

Ohio State senior defensive back Tyler Moeller provided a rare blunt and truthful response Tuesday. Asked what he remembered about the Buckeyes' shocking loss at Purdue in 2009, Moeller said: "I don't really remember too much from that game because I had a brain injury ... I don't really remember too much of that period of my life."

Moeller had been attacked earlier that summer by some thug in a Florida bar who thought he'd show his machismo by sucker punching a football player. Moeller hit the deck, fractured his skull, and nearly died. It cost him a full season, left that big zipper mark across his noggin, and a blank section in his memory.

But football meant enough to Moeller that he came back last season, then tore a muscle in his chest a month in and lost another year. He was at the podium this week, being a stand-up guy, and admitting he was unable to explain that Purdue loss since he wasn't really around when it happened. "Weak excuse," an apologetic Moeller said, but that part was hardly true, considering what he has been through.

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