Media buy in to hatred of President


The Iraqi reporter who threw shoes at President Bush during a press conference in Iraq is being elevated to hero status by many in the media.

It is sad but not surprising that a dangerous act like this is being used to spread Bush hatred around the world rather than chastising the attacker.

Unfortunately, the media are really good at spinning events this way, and many are buying into it.

However, if anyone had thrown a shoe or even a spit ball at former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein during his long reign of power, he would have been shot on the spot instead of being lionized.

History will no doubt record a simple footnote to this episode: An indistinct reporter from one of the many clueless news organizations in the world demonstrated his profound ignorance by attacking the fearless American President who actually made it possible for millions of people in Iraq to freely express dissent without the fear of facing a firing squad.

And so it goes.

Frank E. Miller


Auto shutdowns are costly for taxpayers

The Big Three automakers have suspended production or extended shutdowns for approximately a one-month period.

Chrysler alone says this will affect 46,000 people. Those affected production workers will get 95 percent of their wages through subpay or the job bank.

What does this cost the taxpayers figuring in the recentbailout?

At $100 per person per week for four weeks, it would be $18.4 million. At $200 per week, it would be $36.8 million. And that's only for Chrysler.

I could only imagine the total cost to the Big Three.

It is little wonder that the cars are overpriced and the companies wanted a bailout.

It must be great to stay home and get paid.

Everett Moore


Hospital cutting out

food to pay for frills

A local TV station reported that Toledo Hospital is no longer serving eggs or pancakes to its patients to save money.

One doesn't have to be a dietician to figure out that eggs are a great source of protein and even people with high cholesterol can have at least two a week.

Nothing could be much cheaper than serving pancakes, so what's the big savings there?

Considering the money patients have to fork out after hospitalization and, in many cases, not always for the best care, asking for an egg or pancakes doesn't seem like asking for much.

Perhaps if the new addition that cost the Earth and moon could have been scaled down a bit so as not to look like a luxury hotel, they would have more money for eggs.

If this wasn't so absolutely disgusting and pathetic, you might get a laugh out of it.

What comes next, patients bring their own food from home?

Sandy Flick

Rose Acres Drive