Feedback: July 8 column


Below are excerpts of e-mail responses to the July 8 “Half a Six Pack” questions (an abbreviated version of “Six Pack to Go”). Each question has five responses from readers. (Sorry, but Russ serves as the “gatekeeper” - he determines the five answers to accompany each question.) In order to make this a reader-friendly feature, some lengthy answers submitted by readers may have been shortened.

1) Don't you think it's more than just a coincidence that the price of gas started to decline after Democrats gained control of the Senate?

  • Yes. The oil companies are interested in making money, just like any business. With Republicans in control, their worries are much less. Now, investigations are more likely if the outrage goes on.

  • No. What did the Dems do? I think it was the public outrage that might, just might, have motivated our elected boobs to really do something, for a change. But I do believe there is a shell game played by the oil companies. You just play their game - fuel up before the weekend price hike, or stay home.

  • Coincidence? Ha! I do not believe for one minute that the supposed gas "shortage" was anything other than the gasoline refiners taking the opportunity to rake in handsome profits while two of their own were busy turning their heads the other way.

  • There is no connection. Check out gas prices last June when your beloved Clinton was in office. They were slightly higher! Reno's Justice Department investigated and found nothing. On this topic, you are just like the cardinal.

  • Sure do. The day Bush was appointed, they started up. And when Jeffords jumped ship, they started down. The Dems control the investigations now.

    2) Even though it's played in Sylvania, don't you wish the Jamie Farr Kroger Classic would include "Toledo" in its name?

  • Yes, I agree. Packo's plugs were great . but it's time he honored his hometown.

  • No way! Until the city of Toledo ponies up the money to help sponsor the tourney, it deserves no billing whatsoever. (As an aside, I had the chance to spend all day Friday at the tournament. What a great event!)

  • Yes. I doubt many people who live in other states even know this wonderful event is held in the Toledo area.

  • It would be nice to name Toledo, but would Toledo be as generous?

  • No, I don't! Not at all. Sylvania and Highland Meadows have worked very hard all these years and deserve all the credit. From what I can recall, the city of Toledo has done little - other than jump on Sylvania's shirt tail when PR was involved. If Toledo wants its "own" tournament, let them join forces with Inverness Club.

    3) Didn't the price of justice seem a little steep when you found out Timothy McVeigh's defense cost taxpayers $13.8 million?

  • Yes, but we should know going in by now that the lawyers are going to get rich off of such a high-profile case. Why do they give press conferences, urge their clients to give interviews, etc. The longer the gravy train lasts, the more beef for the skillet.

  • Yea, but hasn't the (philosophical) price of justice always been high? Money or politics or theoretical feelings aside, this was one that needed to be put to rest for a lot of people and a lot of reasons.

  • Let's deregulate the process and privatize it. Wal-Mart would be the lowest bidder, hands down.

  • I am never disappointed in my predisposed notion that lawyers are all crooks, even when they are working, you'd think, for the common good as they were in the McVeigh case. Should've been pro bono work.

  • That one really floored me. Here was a man that made no pretense as to his guilt, and yet the fee was astronomical. Think what it would have been if he would have appealed the guilty verdict. Seems to be plenty of money when the government forces need it, but so little when it comes to hungry kids.

  • Good comment on the Martin Luther King debacle. Let us either name a street for him or forget the whole thing. The question will come up ad nauseum until we do, however. Yes, Carty has failed to lead in this instance - as in many.

  • The whole street thing is ridiculous. We don't need a street named for him or anyone else. There are no streets named for countless deceased Americans. We don't need an airport or train station named for anybody either. What does it really mean when you get down to it? There are hundreds of thousands of people who drive on Jefferson Street every year. Do any of these people ever think of Thomas Jefferson while on "his" street?

  • Such is politics in Toledo. If we screw around long enough with this, the next administration will have to tackle the problem.

  • Carty reminds me of Laurel and Hardy. He really means well, but somewhere along the way, he puts his foot in a tub of wet cement.

  • Wish I were laid back enough to discuss Carty objectively but find I can't. While I agree with your comments, I would rather see Cherry Street designated as a memorial to Martin Luther King.

  • For someone who only reads Toledo news through The Blade's Web site, your column has a nice way of cutting through the crap and telling it like it is.

  • I see that Arnie Elzey's group of pro-smokers is going to be called Committee for Public Rights. Why don't they just call it by its initials - "CPR"? Also, the tobacco-store owners are saying they might be put out of business; they're lucky they're not indicted.

  • From a former Toledoan now living in Texas: The cardinal outside your window has a familiar look. I have to tell you, though, that Carty humor doesn't translate to non-Toledoans. Somehow, he's our own "inside joke" - sort of like the eccentric uncle that no one wants to admit they are related to.

  • As an ex-smoker, I have another reason to be thankful. From the tone of the letter you received, it looks as if tobacco damages the brain too. Hang in there.

  • Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't opponents of the smoking ban the true Marxists? After all, Groucho ALWAYS had a cigar in his mouth.

    Russ Lemmon's column appears Sundays. Readers may contact him at 1-419-724-6122, or e-mail