Town Talk: Tom Granata

Perrysburg Fire Inspector Tom Granata.
Perrysburg Fire Inspector Tom Granata.

Tom Granata, 47, a lieutenant with the Perrysburg Fire Department, serves as a fire inspector and educator. He and wife Wendy, of Perrysburg, have four children.

How long have you been a first responder?

Since 1995

What are the duties of your job?

Fire prevention and fire education

What inspired you toward this kind of work?

When I was growing up, a friend's dad was a Toledo firefighter.

What is the most memorable incident to which you responded or in which you were involved?

I was out with some newer members doing driver training and came upon some stopped traffic, when I investigated to see what was wrong, a woman handed me her child who was choking on a hair clip. So there I was sitting in the middle of the road with this little girl struggling to breathe. I was able to get her to finally cough up the hair clip and begin breathing on her own.

If you weren't in this field, what other kind of work would you like to do?

I’ve worked in construction before, I really like hands-on things.

What were you like in high school?

Like everybody else.

What hobbies do you enjoy?

Watching my daughters’ softball games, traveling.

Where have you traveled in the world, or where would you like to go?

Most recently California, Colorado, South Carolina and Chicago.

Where is the best place to visit?

The Smoky Mountains are my favorite.

What are some good things about the community that you serve?

There are a lot of good people here and it has been a great place to raise a family.