

The board approved three appointments to township panels last week. They are Jeff Biggs as the planning commission representative to the board of zoning appeals, Connie Velliquette to the economic development corporation, and Joseph Peyton to the downtown development authority.

The board also moved its May 7 regular meeting to May 14 because the Mason and Ida school districts each have an 18-mill nonhomestead levy renewal on the May 7 ballot. Bedford has about 100 voters in the Ida district and 20 in the Mason schools.


The Monroe County Health Department seeks volunteers to fill health professional and nonmedical support positions in the event of an emergency. The needed health professionals for the medical reserve corps include physicians, dentists, nurses, physical therapists, and paramedics. 

Orientation sessions for volunteers will be held on April 15 from 10 to 11 a.m. and 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and April 16 from 3 to 4 p.m. in the health department auditorium, 2353 Custer Rd., Monroe. 

For more information, call 734-240-7862 or visit www.co.monroe.mi.us/publichealthmrc.


Monroe County Community College has begun a national search for a president to replace David Nixon, who plans to retire when his contract expires July 31. 

The college has hired the Association of Community College Trustees to conduct the search, and has launched a web site monroeccc.edu/presidentialsearch. The college also is advertising in higher education publications, including the Chronicle of Higher Education, Community College Week, Women in Higher Education, Diverse Issues in Higher Education, and Community College Times. 

The search committee will begin reviewing applications after April 12.


The Gay-Straight Alliance and the Diversity Committee at Monroe County Community College invite students and employees to submit original artwork for display in a planned diversity mural on campus.

The mural will be located in the Audrey M. Warrick Student Services/Administration Building and be about 21 feet wide and five feet tall. It will include stretched canvas and lightweight paintings.

Groups of students and employees also are invited to submit entries. Submissions must be original, not give offense, and promote a message of diversity. Judging will be based on the diversity message, originality, and artistic arrangement. Th entire college community will be able to cast online votes for their favorite entries.