Fire damages home where 8 flee safely


A fire that started when a 9-year-old boy accidentally ignited bed linens caused an estimated $25,000 damage yesterday to a home at 506 Mulberry St. in North Toledo, fire officials said.

All eight occupants of the two-story, wood-frame house - Wilburn Slover, Jr., a woman, and six children, whose names were not available - escaped unhurt. Fire crews were dispatched at 11:17 a.m., Fire Capt. Jim Marciniak said.

The fire started in a second-floor bedroom where the 9-year-old boy, used a lighter to look for his shoes under the bed.

The blaze quickly spread up a wall to the attic, and then to the roof, Captain Marciniak said.

The fire was extinguished by 2:26 p.m. before it could spread to the first floor.

The first floor was damaged by water, Battalion Fire Chief Tony Gregory said.