Men jump into car, rob driver at gunpoint


A man reported to police that two men jumped into his car, forced him at gunpoint to drive about a block, and robbed him of his wallet, a cell phone, a pager, and the car's stereo speakers.

Brian K. Williams, 29, was pulling out of the King Boulevard Market at Dorr Street and Marmion Avenue about 10:30 p.m.

The men made Mr. Williams, who lives in the central city, drive about a block into a vacant lot in an alley off Midway Plaisance Street. They pulled his sweatshirt over his head and emptied his pockets. One of the men went to the trunk of his car and took the speakers, police said.

The other man pulled the trigger of his gun, but it didn't fire. The men fled on foot and Mr. Williams drove home. He called police about 3 a.m. yesterday and said he found his wallet. A police report did not say where the wallet was found.