Robbers, burglars hit seniors in north end


A rash of robberies and burglaries that seem to have older residents as their target has Toledo police asking citizens in the East Manhattan Boulevard corridor in city's north end to be aware of their surroundings and to call officers about any unusual people.

Sgt. Tim Noble said yesterday that one or more suspects have robbed or burglarized 20 homes or residents since May 2, including an attempted robbery yesterday morning.

The vast majority of the attacks have been against citizens ranging in age from the late 50s into the 80s.

Suspects have stolen over $1,500 in cash and over $1,000 in merchandise, according to police reports.

“This could be a young suspect who thinks he's found a way to make easy money for drugs,” Sergeant Noble said. “We're very interested in getting this person behind bars.”

The robberies and burglaries have all happened in a concentrated area that stretches 11/4 miles from Franklin Avenue to the east to Maher Street to the west, and 3/4 of a mile from the 3400 block of Wersell Avenue north to near Weber Street south.

Criminals in the area are averaging 3.3 robberies and/or burglaries a week, according to police reports.

Sergeant Noble said that in most cases, a weapon had not been seen during the robberies, but robbers have used guns in the latest holdups. “We certainly want people to be more cognizant of their surroundings,” Sergeant Noble said. “They should be aware of suspicious people and lock their doors.”