Police need help solving gun death


Toledo police are seeking information through the Crime Stopper program about the shooting death Feb. 9 of a 48-year-old man at his East Toledo residence.

Jolie Calvin Miller, of 1147 Clark St., died of multiple gunshot wounds in his right arm, chest, and abdomen. He died about 31/2 hours after the apparent home invasion, which occurred about 1:30 p.m.

Two black men, masked, broke through a back door, reportedly assaulted Mr. Miller's girlfriend, then shot him. Mr. Miller told police he was upstairs when he heard someone enter the house. He went downstairs and found the men, one armed with a handgun.

The suspects chased him upstairs, where he was shot. He was found in an upstairs bedroom. The suspects fled after the shooting.

Anyone with information about the murder is asked to call the Crime Stopper program. Callers may remain anonymous and may collect a cash reward.

An interfaith prayer vigil in Mr. Miller's memory will be at 5 p.m. tomorrow. the Miller home.

A vigil is held for each person who dies in a violent act in the city. The sponsors are Metro-Toledo Churches United, the Interracial Religious Coalition, the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, America's Nightmare Due to the Lack of Respect and Education of Weapons, the Justice and Peace Group of the Emmaus Cluster, and Toledo Metropolitan Mission.