Man killed in standoff an ex-resident


CLYDE, Ohio - A gunman who was shot and killed by a Clyde police officer during a standoff was identified as Eldon Wright, 56, a former area resident, police Chief Bruce Gower said yesterday.

Mr. Wright, 56, was killed by a single gunshot fired by an unnamed police officer who was part of a group of officers who rushed the car in which Mr. Wright was sitting to end a 40-minute neighborhood standoff.

Chief Gower said Mr. Wright, a former resident, moved out west several years ago before returning to the Sandusky County area, where he was living in motels. Mr. Wright has some brothers and sisters living in the area, the chief said.

Mr. Wright, who refused police demands to get out of a car, was hit by a single shot around 7:15 a.m. Thursday.

Chief Gower said police were called to the 200 block of West Buckeye Street at 5:45 a.m. in response to a complaint of a man walking around the neighborhood setting off car alarms. Another resident complained to police that a man was sitting inside her car, which was parked in her driveway.

The police chief said the man in the car fired about six shots, one hitting another car and others striking several buildings. No one was hit by the gunfire.

Police backup was called but the man refused to exit the car. It was shortly after 7 a.m. when police decided to storm the car, fearing for the safety of school children and residents who soon would be on the streets.

No motive was established for the standoff, Chief Gower said.

The unidentified police officer fired the shot that hit Mr. Wright after he allegedly pulled a gun out of his pocket and raised it, the chief said. The officer was placed on administrative leave during the investigation. The police chief said his name would be released next week, once the investigation is wrapped up.

After he was shot, Mr. Wright was taken to Bellevue Hospital, then transported by helicopter to St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center, Toledo, where he died at 12:11 p.m.

The autopsy report from the Lucas County Coroner s Office was not available yesterday.