Reward is offered for solving Monclova Township break-in


The Lucas County Sheriff's Department is looking for tips about a May 4 burglary in Monclova Township in which gems, guitars, and a laptop computer containing business accounts were taken.

The break-in occurred at a condominium in the 6600 block of Embassy Court. The burglar entered through a garage door attached to the condo and took nearly $60,000 of items.

The computer had tens of thousands of dollars worth of company business on it. The victim's family owns a fuel delivery business and related paperwork and accounts were stored on the computer.

Deputies said the gems, including diamonds and emeralds, supposedly were bought outside the United States and were to be sold here.

The family is offering a $1,000 reward in addition to Crime Stopper reward money. Anyone with information about the burglary is asked to call the Crime Stopper program at 419-255-1111 or the sheriff's office at 419-213-4941.