Robber takes meat, cash from East Toledo store


A man yesterday stole some meat from Wally's Carry Out, 561 East Broadway in East Toledo, and then went back, threatened a clerk with a broomstick, and took a large sum of money from the cash register before fleeing for good, police said.

The first time, the man walked into the store about 7:25 a.m., stole some meat and fled, but not before the clerk took a good look at him. She promptly called police and the incident was reported as a shoplifting. All police units were busy at that time and none could be spared for what's a low-priority call, Toledo police Sgt. Richard Murphy said.

About 7:43 a.m., the man returned, pulled a broomstick out of his pants, and threatened the clerk, who recognized him. She ran next door and called police. They responded within three minutes. A large sum of money was found missing from the register, Sergeant Murphy said.

The man, who is believed to be from the neighborhood, was still at large last night, the sergeant said.