Toledo officer involved in fight at party is fired


For the first time in five years, the Toledo Police Department has fired one of its officers.

Cherie Bryce, a 22-year veteran of the force, was found guilty of three department charges after she was accused of punching, kicking, and biting a fellow officer during a July 4 party.

Charged by the department's internal affairs unit with conduct unbecoming an officer and violating the law or departmental policy, Officer Bryce pleaded not guilty during a disciplinary hearing Tuesday before Deputy Chief Don Kenney.

Additionally, Officer Bryce was charged with habitually violating department policy, having had at least five discipline problems in the last year.

Chief Kenney found her guilty on each charge and recommended her termination on each. Chief Mike Navarre backed the recommendation.

According to a report filed by Oregon police, another Toledo police officer, Deborah Hahn, was hosting a party at her Oregon home when the officers began arguing at about 7 p.m. about a former relationship of Officer Hahn. Officer Hahn told Oregon investigators Officer Bryce punched her repeatedly, smashed her head into a kitchen wall, and bit her breast when Officer Hahn tried to restrain her in a choke-hold.

Officer Hahn, who said she did not resist or try to defend herself, was not charged in the incident.

The case was forwarded to the Oregon prosecutor's office, but criminal charges have not been filed.