Adrian man accused of fleeing court hearing


ADRIAN - A 35-year-old Adrian man was in the Lenawee County jail last night on a $1 million bond after an aborted escape attempt during a Monday afternoon hearing in the county's district court, sheriff's deputies said.

Bush Lee Paulding had just finished a preliminary hearing on a domestic violence charge - his third such offense - when he fled the courthouse through a back door a county employee had just opened about 3:45 p.m. Courthouse deputies chased Mr. Paulding to a building on nearby East Butler Street. As the deputies searched the building, Mr. Paulding jumped out of a 2nd floor window and was apprehended by the deputies.

Sheriff Larry Richardson said in addition to the domestic violence charge, he will seek resisting arrest, obstructing police business, assaulting an officer, and escaping lawful custody charges against Mr. Paulding.