Dundee man charged with robbery try


NEWPORT, Mich. - A Dundee, Mich., man was being held last night in the Monroe County jail on a charge that he tried to rob a Newport area liquor store at knifepoint Sunday night, Michigan State Police said.

David Nerowski, 18, was arraigned yesterday in Monroe County First District Court on one count of assault with intent to rob while armed. He is being held in lieu of a $500,000 cash bond, court officials said.

Mr. Nerowski is accused of walking into Kenny's Liquor Store, 7850 North Telegraph Rd., about 9:15 p.m., brandishing a knife, and demanding with a written note cash and goods from the clerk on duty, troopers said.

During the robbery attempt, the clerk grabbed the suspect and forced him to drop the knife, at which time the suspect fled on foot into a mobile home park across the road. Mr. Nerowski was taken into custody there about two hours later without further incident, troopers said.