Cigarette blamed for $26,000 fire


A discarded cigarette started a garage fire last night that spread to a central Toledo home, a vehicle in the driveway, and a neighboring apartment building, causing a total of about $26,000 damage, authorities said.

The blaze started about

8:30 p.m. when two adults were cleaning out the garage at 2729 Fulton St. One of them discarded a cigarette where some gasoline had spilled. The man put out the fire with a fire extinguisher, but it reignited, Battalion Fire Chief Tony Gregory said.

The fire spread to the home and damaged the siding and roof, and caused some smoke damage inside - a total of about $10,000 damage, the chief said.

A minivan, valued at between $10,000 to $12,000, parked in the driveway also caught fire.

Chief Gregory said the fire consumed the garage, causing $5,000 damage, and it likely would be torn down.

An apartment building at 311 Rockingham St. sustained minor heat damage, the chief said.

The four adults and three children, who are residents of the three-story house, were assisted by the American Red Cross with temporary housing.