Lottery scheme costs S. Toledo man $35,000


Never give money to get money.

That s the advice from Toledo police after a south end man reported this week that he was scammed out of more than $35,000 after his father received a letter saying he won a lottery in Spain.

Bounlieng Insomboun, 31, told police that in order to claim the prize money nearly $3,000 was needed to handle the paperwork. He sent the money for his father and was contacted by a person claiming to be a bank official who said that $7,500 more was needed to handle the transfer fees.

Mr. Insomboun sent the money. Later, the so-called official contacted him, said the money transfer hit a snag and asked for $15,000, which the victim sent. The official contacted the victim again and requested a final $10,000, which he sent, police said.

After sending the money and realizing he was broke, Mr. Insomboun asked for a refund. The official told him it would cost him $1,800 to get his original funds back. Police said bank account numbers, a passport, and copy of identification belonging to the victim s father also were sent.