Toledo police union voting today on contract


Toledo police could receive a 6.5 percent pay raise and have the city contribute 3.75 percent more to their pension under a proposed three-year contract members of the Toledo Police Patrolman s Association are voting on today.

The raise is the same as that approved in September by the city s largest union, AFSCME Local 7. The difference between the contracts is the pension contribution. By the end of the TPPA s contract in 2008, the city would pick up its members 10 percent pension contribution required by the state, said Dan Wagner, union vice president.

In regard to health care under the proposed contract, officers would have to pay a $10 office visit co-pay beginning in January and $65 for an emergency room visit, which would be waived if they are admitted. They did not have co-pays under the previous contract, Mr. Wagner said.

The union would go to a three-tier prescription system, with officers paying $4 to $22 more for prescriptions. Also, the city would increase its vision contribution for each officer by $5 per month.

The city s police officers and firefighters have been working without a contract since Jan. 1. The TPPA is the first of the city s four safety force unions to work out a tentative contract. The tentative contract agreement was reached on Friday between the TPPA and the city.

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