Vandals strike Perrysburg High


Vandals struck Perrysburg High School early this morning, tagging the 5-year-old building with hits from paint-ball guns and spray-paint cans.

Other damage includes the uprooting of trees in the school s landscaping and overturned benches.

An unsuccessful attempt also was made to get inside the school, police reported.

Police were called to the school on Roachton Road at 3:30 a.m. and discovered the damage. They saw several people running away.

Arrested were two juveniles, students at the school, and two adults: Sean M. Evans, 18, and Gregory D. Weaver, 19, both of Perrysburg.

All four were charged with vandalism, a fifth-degree felony. The juveniles were taken to the Wood County Juvenile Detention Center, and the adults were arraigned in Perrysburg Municipal Court this morning. Both are being held in lieu of $10,000 bond and will appear in court again on May 25.

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