Man charged in assault on city employees


A South Toledo man accused of hurting two city of Toledo Department of Neighborhoods employees was charged yesterday with aggravated assault.

Jeremy Goldthwaite, 25, of 1009 Nela Pkwy. was released on a supervised recognizance bond after arraignment in Toledo Municipal Court.

He is charged in the assault Monday of Sue Frederick, 49, manager of code enforcement, whose ankle was run over by a trailer that was attached to a pickup Mr. Goldthwaite was driving, according to court records.

Ms. Frederick was treated at University Medical Center.

Mike Bombrys, 38, a seasonal supervisor and former city police sergeant, suffered a swollen knee when he was pinned between the trailer and a parked car while trying to get out of the way, police said.

The employees were towing the pickup when Mr. Goldthwaite disagreed about whether they could take it. He jumped in the pickup and backed up. He then fled the scene, but returned when he was contacted by police.