Gang links suspected in 4 shootings in south end


Three South Toledo teenagers were wounded and a house was fired at in four shootings in the south end, and police are investigating if the crimes are connected and gang-related.

The teenagers were treated at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center.

No one has been arrested for the shootings, police said.

Frederico Perez, 17, was shot in the buttocks about 8:45 p.m. Monday at Boody Street and Western Avenue. He said he didn't know who shot him and was uncooperative with police.

Two hours later, Douglas Speiker, 15, was shot in the foot outside 406 Western. A 15-year-old girl told police five teenage boys approached her, and one punched her and knocked her to the ground.

Douglas saw her fall and yelled for his brother. The suspect pulled out a handgun and pointed it. Two or three of the suspects brandished guns and began firing, and Douglas was shot as he ran into the residence. The suspects fled, and police were told they might be staying at a house on Knower Street.

About 3:35 a.m. yesterday, Carolyn Williamson, 64, awoke to shots fired into the front of her house at 524 Knower. Police found several holes in the front and side of the house.

A neighbor said she heard a noise and saw a group of people wearing black standing across from Ms. Williamson's house. The neighbor ducked after realizing shots were being fired.

Fifteen minutes earlier, J.P. Williams, 18, was shot twice in the foot on Baden Street. He told police he was walking down Baden with his brothers when someone began shooting. Police said Mr. Williams was hit, and he and one of his brothers went to 413 Baden as shots continued to be fired. The other brother ran east when the shooting began.

A bullet went through a window at 413 Baden, one hit a pillar at 415 Baden, and two went through a window at 417 Baden, police said.