Raid on south Toledo store nets 2 on food-stamp fraud charges


Police raided a south Toledo convenience store today and arrested the owner and an employee on suspicion of more than $218,000 in food-stamp fraud over the past two years.

Quincy Russell, owner of Yummies Too, 801 Nebraska Ave., and his employee, Whitney Midcalf, were arrested after more than 20 officers stormed the business. Authorities were looking for a third person, Clifford Russell, who is also an owner of the store.

Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann watched from a black sport utility vehicle, wearing a bullet-proof vest, as officers from several jurisdictions executed the search warrant.

We do want to send a strong message here, Mr. Dann said to reporters after the operation. If you break the law if you rip off the state, we will come after you.

The three are accused of conducting illegal transactions such as allowing food stamps to be used to purchase non-food items and exchanging cash for food-stamp benefits.

Clifford Russell is charged with three counts each of illegal use of food-stamp or WIC Program benefits, telecommunications fraud, and possessing criminal tools.

Quincy Russell and Ms. Midcalf are both charged with one count each of the same three crimes.

Four counts of each of the same three charges were also filed against the business, Yummies Inc.

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