Elida man indicted for child porn; accused of trying to obtain illicit videos


An Elida, Ohio, man accused of mail-ordering a pornographic video showing young girls was indicted in federal court on felony charges of attempting to receive and attempting to possess child pornography.

According to a two-count indictment filed Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Toledo, Gerald Hartzog, 44, "did knowingly attempt to receive child pornography" and "did knowingly attempt to possess a videotape that he believed contained images of child pornography" on June 7, 2006.

He faces up to 20 years in prison for the first count and up to 10 years for the second, Assistant U.S. Attorney Tom Secor said. An arraignment date before Judge David Katz has not been set.

Mr. Secor said Mr. Hartzog is accused of initiating contact with an undercover U.S. postal investigator several times during which he asked for the delivery of what he believed was child pornography.

Because the videos that were actually delivered did not actually contain child pornography, Mr. Hartzog is charged with attempting to receive and attempting to possess such material.

A warrant then was obtained to search Mr. Hartzog's home. Mr. Secor would not say what was found.

It was unclear whether Mr. Hartzog is married or what his occupation is. Elida is in Allen County, about 75 miles south of Toledo and seven miles northwest of Lima.