Fire In North Toledo leaves family homeless


A north Toledo family was left homeless overnight when a fire of suspicious origin at a vacant house on North Ontario Street near Galena Street spread to their house, authorities said.

All occupants of a two story, wood frame building at 2113 North Ontario escaped unharmed by the time fire crews arrived about 10:46 p.m., fire Lt. Melvin Bond said.

By that time, the house had caught fire from heavy flames at a single-story wood frame house next door at 2111 North Ontario, where the fire had started, Lieutenant Bond said.

Firefighters had the blaze under control at 2:13 a.m. Red Cross was called to help displaced people.

Lieutenant Bond said accelerants were found in the vacant house. The fire is being investigated as suspicious, he said.

Damage was estimated at about $30,000 to each house, the lieutenant said.

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