Man charged with theft, shooting


A South Toledo man was charged with felonious assault and aggravated robbery after he robbed a man at gunpoint and then shot him in the chest in the 2600 block of Tremainsville Road early yesterday morning, police said.

Keishon Midcalf, 26, 5406 Fleet Rd., is expected to be arrested upon his release from St. Anne Mercy Hospital, where he was taken after police shocked him with a Taser following the incident, police said.

Lorenzo Brown, 28, 2667 Tremainsville Rd., was taken to Toledo Hospital with at least one gunshot wound in his chest, police said. Police said yesterday morning that Mr. Brown's injuries appeared to be serious, and possibly life-threatening.

No further information about either man's condition was available from hospitals last night.

Midcalf shot Mr. Brown once in the chest about 3 a.m. after he and two others robbed him at gunpoint, police said.

The accused gunman was seen by police walking quickly from 2667 Tremainsville Rd., where the incident occurred, police said.

Midcalf ignored several police orders to stop and instead ran westbound through an apartment complex. He tossed the gun, which police later recovered, at one of the apartments, hitting an air conditioner, police said.

The suspect continued running, jumped on top of a garbage bin and over a fence, and ran between two houses on the 5100 block of Trimble Road, where he hid in bushes, police said.

Police officers ordered Midcalf to raise both of his hands and roll over, but he ignored them, police said.

Though officers then shocked Midcalf twice with a Taser, he continued to defy police orders, according to the report. Officers then used open-hand stuns and knee stuns to subdue Midcalf, who was taken into custody and transported to St. Anne's for treatment. Along with the assault and robbery counts, Midcalf is charged with unlawfully carrying a concealed weapon and obstructing justice, police said.