Slaying of East Toledo cyclist profiled on Web


The death of an East Toledo man, who was shot and killed Monday while riding his bike to work, will be profiled on America's Most Wanted Web site today in an effort to help generate leads in the case, said Justin Lenart, a production assistant.

Mr. Lenart came across the story on a local television Web site and found the details of the fatal shooting of David Babcock, 46, of 908 Kingston Ave. tragic.

He said by posting the story he hopes he can help bring the killer to justice.

"We want to take people off the streets who harm everyday American citizens," he said.

Mr. Babcock, who 13 years ago survived brain tumor removal surgery, was shot about 5:45 a.m. Monday in the 800 block of Western Avenue. He died shortly after arriving at St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center.

Police said witnesses heard Mr. Babcock and another man quarreling prior to the shooting, but are unsure what the dispute was about. They are continuing to investigate possible motives.

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