Police say 14-year-old gunman held up store clerk


Armed with a gun, a boy, who police say is 14, walked into Our Food Mart in North Toledo and shot the store owner and then robbed him.

The boy walked into the store at 454 E. Streicher around 4:40 p.m. Friday with a long-sleeve white T-shirt pulled over his face. He pointed the gun at Mohammed “Mike” Abaza, 55, and shot him once in the leg.

When Mr. Abaza, who has been shot at before at the store, tried to retreat to the back of the store, the boy hit him in the back of the head with the gun, a video of the scene shows. The boy, with the gun to the back of Mr. Abaza’s head, led the man to the cash register and took an undetermined amount of cash before leaving the store.

Mr. Abaza was back at work and declined to comment on Monday.

Police describe the gunman as a black male, about 5 feet tall, 110 pounds with black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing blue jeans, the white T-shirt, and a blue baseball hat.

Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 419-255-1111.