2 Calif. police officers charged in death of mentally ill homeless man


SANTA ANA, Calif. — Two police officers were charged in the death of a mentally ill homeless man in Southern California who was beaten and repeatedly shocked with a stun gun during his arrest, authorities said Wednesday.

Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas said Officer Manuel Ramos was charged with one count each of second-degree murder and involuntary manslaughter in the death of 37-year-old Kelly Thomas after a violent confrontation on July 5 with officers.

Police Cpl. Jay Cicinelli was charged with one count each of involuntary manslaughter and excessive force.

The prosecutors said Thomas was acting “in self-defense, in pain and in a state of panic. His numerous pleas of ‘I’m sorry,’ ‘I can’t breathe,’ ‘Help’ ‘Dad’ — all to no avail. Screams, loud screams, didn’t help.”

Six officers were placed on paid administrative leave after the incident that occurred while police were investigating reported vehicle break-ins at a transit hub.

Thomas suffered severe head and neck injuries and was taken off life support five days later.

Thomas suffered from schizophrenia and lived on the streets even though he received support from family and friends.

Police said Thomas ran when officers tried to search his bag. A struggle followed when they tried to arrest him for investigation of possession of stolen goods.

Video from a bystander’s cell phone taken from a distance showed parts of the bloody encounter in which Thomas can be heard screaming for his father.

Surveillance video aboard a bus showed agitated passengers telling the driver that officers beat and repeatedly used a stun gun during the arrest.

After the incident, the police chief went on medical leave and the embattled City Council hired a law enforcement expert to investigate Police Department practices.

Incensed community members held demonstrations and started an effort to recall the mayor and two councilmembers over the incident.

Ron Thomas, the father of the dead man, filed a claim seeking damages from the city.

He has previously released his son’s medical records showing Thomas suffered broken bones in his face, choked on his own blood and was repeatedly shocked with two stun guns.