Fire damages 3 vacant homes on Utah Street

Toledo Fire & Rescue work to put out a fire at 1346 Utah. The fire caused damage to the two homes that flanked its sides.
Toledo Fire & Rescue work to put out a fire at 1346 Utah. The fire caused damage to the two homes that flanked its sides.

A fire that started this morning in a vacant home on Utah Street quickly spread to the homes on either side of it, both also vacant.

Neighbors reported hearing a large boom and then saw flames shooting out of the right side of a home at 1346 Utah St. Toledo firefighters were dispatched at 10:51 a.m. and were soon fighting fires at the three homes although no damage estimates were immediately available. There were no injuries, officials said.

Crews were expected to remain on the scene for a couple of more hours because of how deep-seated the initial fire proved to be. Water stations have been set up to make sure the firefighters stay cool on a day where temperatures are expected to reach as high as 100 degrees.