Perrysburg police department adding 3 Chevy Tahoes


A trio of Perrysburg police officers could get new rides in the next few months if the police department replaces some of its fleet.

Police Chief Daniel Paez brought his proposal to purchase three 2013 Chevy Tahoes for $78,663 - or $26,221 apiece - to a Perrysburg city council committee Wednesday.

The chief is seeking to replace three patrol cars that are expected to each log about 100,000 miles by the time the new SUVs would come in late December or early January.

The purchases, which would be paid for out of the police department’s budget, still need the blessing from the full Perrysburg City Council.

Councilman Thomas Mackin said he would support the chief’s request but added he had concerns about replacing the department’s 12-vehicle fleet with only SUVs.

“That’s something we should be mindful [about] going forward,” Councilman Mackin said during the public safety committee meeting.

But Chief Paez argued the SUVs are the most practical because they have enough space to hold officers’ equipment so they don’t need to run back to the station.

Still, he said he would heed the councilman’s worries.

“I am listening,” Chief Paez said.