6 indicted on mushroom drug charges


Six peo­ple ar­rested last month in what is be­lieved to be a near-record sei­zure of psy­che­delic mush­rooms were in­dicted on sev­eral charges by a Lu­cas County grand jury Tues­day.

Mat­thew Thi­erry, 41, of 5910 Ber­key-South­ern Rd. in White­house was charged with il­le­gal man­u­fac­ture of drugs, ag­gra­vated pos­ses­sion of drugs, ag­gra­vated traf­fick­ing in drugs, and tam­per­ing with ev­i­dence, each with ma­jor drug of­fender spec­i­fi­ca­tions. Also charged was his wife, Sara Thi­erry, 38, who faces one count each of tam­per­ing with ev­i­dence and ob­structing justice.

The 20-count in­dict­ment also names Mi­kael Stiles, 31, of 5360 Se­cor Rd.; Ron­ald Ham­mer­smith, 43, of 5768 Home Lane; Ian Gol­binec, 31, of 240 Eastern Ave.; and Au­tum John­son, 30, of 543 Col­burn St., each charged with il­le­gal man­u­fac­ture of drugs, ag­gra­vated pos­ses­sion of drugs, and ag­gra­vated traf­fick­ing in drugs. Gol­binec and John­son are also charged with tam­per­ing with ev­i­dence.

The de­fen­dants are all charged in con­nec­tion with the sei­zure of about 137 pounds, or an es­ti­mated $3.1 mil­lion worth, of psy­che­delic mush­rooms, which were con­fis­cated when five houses in Toledo and one in White­house were searched in Sep­tem­ber.