Armed robbers strike Newport, Mich., pizza shop


NEWPORT, Mich. — Two armed men held up a pizza store in Newport, Mich., Sunday evening, threatening the four employees before fleeing with an undisclosed amount of money, Monroe County sheriff’s detectives said.

The 7:45 p.m. holdup occurred at Mary Sacco's Pizza, 3132 Newport Rd.

One of the robbers, armed with a knife, went into the back kitchen area and ordered three of the four workers to the ground.

The other man stayed at the front counter and ordered an employee to empty the cash registers.

Money was taken from both registers before the robbers drove away toward i-75. No one was injured, detectives said.

One robber was described as medium height, thin, and wearing a gray hoodie with a camouflage cloth covering his face; the other man was heavier, and wore a dark hoodie on, but with a red cloth covering his face. Both were described as being in their 20s.