Police: Man allegedly tried to lure a 9-year-old Sylvania student


Sylvania police are looking for a man who they said allegedly tried to lure a 9-year-old student of Maplewood Elementary School into his vehicle as the boy walked home from school.

The boy's mother told authorities he was walking home from school about 3:25 p.m. Friday on Maplewood Avenue near Erie Street when a white Chevy van drove by, turned around, and drove by again, at which time the man at the wheel asked the boy if he wanted a ride, said Sylvania Police Sgt. Justin Music. The boy then ran off, according to his mother, Sergeant Music said.

"We have increased presence in the area and we will continue to keep our eyes open," Sergeant Music said today.

There was no good description of the man, according to police. The van had a blue folding ladder on the roof and no windows on the sides, police said.

Ed Eding, Maplewood Elementary School principal, sent out an email letter to Maplewood Elementary parents Monday, informing them of the incident.

"We'd like to encourage parents to discuss this situation with their children to keep them alert," Mr. Eding said. "And we want to encourage the children to say no, to yell for help, and to get away and tell a trusted adult when these situations occur."

In his letter, Mr. Eding also advises parents to encourage their children to walk in groups for safety when they walk home from school.