Man robs West Toledo Subway


After ordering an English muffin sandwich from an employee of a West Toledo Subway, a knife-wielding customer robbed the store today.

Police said a man went into the sandwich shop, 942 Phillips Ave., at 8:36 a.m. and ordered an unspecified type of sandwich on an English muffin. A clerk, who was working alone, went into the back of the store to get the muffin.

While she was in back, the suspect jumped the counter and stood near the register holding a knife with a long blade, according to a Toledo police report.

The suspect pointed the knife at the employee and said, "Empty the drawer," and "Do what I say and you're not gonna get hurt," the report states.

The suspect got cash from a register and a separate cash box, the report states. He left behind several rolls of coins. He made off with about $220.

The suspect was described by authorities as white, in his mid-20s, 5 feet, 8 inches tall, 145 pounds, and sandy-colored hair.  He had a goatee and "scruff."

Police ask that anyone with information about the suspect call Crime Stoppers at 419-255-1111.