Toledo police officer saves stranded duck


A mother duck stranded on the side of I-475 was scooped up by a Toledo police officer today.

A motorist driving eastbound on the highway saw the duck and reported it to police.

Motorcycle Officer Scott Swartz stopped and saw the duck standing next to two of her dead ducklings, he said.

Wanting to move the duck out of harm's way, Officer Swartz put his raincoat over the duck and picked her up, carrying her to safety.

Other officers responded to the scene and searched the area around the Talmadge Road entrance ramp for other ducklings, though none were found.

Motorcycle Officer Andre Antoine called his wife and daughter -- the family owns a farm and cares for all types of animals -- and asked the women to pick up the lone duck.

The women were taking the duck to Nature's Nursery in Whitehouse, Officer Antoine said.