N. Erie fire threatens neighbor's home


An erroneous report of a neighbor trapped inside a home threatened by fire early today caused anxious moments for Toledo firefighters racing to a N. Erie Street blaze.

Battalion fire Chief Dennis Facer said a report of fire at 3028 N. Erie evolved into fear that a neighbor at 3026 N. Erie might be trapped inside his residence. Chief Facer called for another engine company as a precaution.

In the meantime the blaze at 3028 N. Erie was raging and threatening 3026 N. Erie. The fire managed to jump to the roof of the latter house and spread to the attic. Chief Facer said he called for an investigator to determine a cause of the fire, saying he was suspicious of the fire's  origin. The alarm was turned in at 3:19 a.m., and the fire was declared under control shortly before 4 a.m.

Chief Facer estimated damage to 3026 N. Erie at $10,000 to the structure and $5,000 to the contents. Jason R. Lindsay is listed as the owner in records of the Lucas County Auditor's office.

A representative from the city's building inspection department was summoned to examine what was left of the house at 3028 N. Erie. The inspector ordered heavy equipment to be brought in to destroy the remnants out of concern for safety.

The auditor's office records list the owner as Michael J. Rose of Oklahoma City, Okla.