Toledo teen convicted in slashing and shooting


A Toledo teen who slashed a Toledo police detective in the face with a box cutter was convicted Thursday of felonious assault and improperly discharging a firearm into a habitation.

Deleno Stine, 18, of 1645 Western Ave., pleaded no contest to felonious assault and pleaded guilty to the improperly discharging charge before Lucas County Common Pleas Judge Ruth Ann Franks. He faces up to 19 years in prison when sentenced Aug. 1.

Stine cut the face of Detective Deb Hahn and fractured her shoulder when she tried to intervene May 4 in an altercation involving Stine and an 18-year-old woman. The previous night, Stine fired into a home in the 800 block of Geneva Avenue, injuring the left arm of a woman who was in front of the window when the shots were fired.