Fire damages South Toledo apartment building


Fire, labeled arson by a battalion fire chief, heavily damaged a three-story apartment building this morning in Toledo's old south end neighborhood.

Chief Rick Syroka said there were several places burning in the building when crews arrived at 902 Harding Dr. at Broadway shortly after 5:30 a.m. Chief Syroka said he put in calls for two extra pumper crews for added manpower because of the building's sheer size. The blaze was under control at 6:35 a.m.

Vehicular traffic was prohibited from using Broadway between Balfe and Stebbins streets until 9:20 a.m. as fire hoses snaked their way from hydrants in the area.  

There are four apartments in the structure, but it appeared only one was being used, probably by a transient person, the chief said. Natural gas service to the building had been turned off. He estimated damage at $50,000.