Stay sought on reinstatement of fire chief


Acting on behalf of Jerusalem Township trustees, the Lucas County Prosecutor's Office on Friday requested a stay on a ruling ordering the township to reinstate its terminated fire chief and give him back pay and benefits.

Assistant Prosecutor Kevin Pituch filed the request with county Common Pleas Court and indicated the Jerusalem Township trustees anticipate filing an appeal within seven days.

The firing of Harold Stanton in March violated the chief’s constitutional rights and violated the township’s personnel policies and procedures, Common Pleas Judge Dean Mandros ruled Monday.

Mr. Stanton was fired ostensibly for repeatedly allowing an unauthorized person — resident Jim Gray — to be at the scene of fires assisting the fire department. Trustees voted 3-0 to terminate the chief, saying he allowed Mr. Gray to act as a township firefighter, to use township fire equipment, and to assist the fire department during fire and EMS runs “at least five times over the past three years."