Fostoria driver cited after car, stuck in snow, is hit by train


FOSTORIA — A Fostoria man was cited after a train smashed into his car that had become stuck in snow at a rail crossing.

William King, 45, was cited for failing to proceed safely on railroad tracks and driving under a license suspension after the train hit his car at 12:14 a.m. Wednesday. The car got stuck on the South Union Street crossing minutes before a train went through at an estimated 30 mph, police said.

Mr. King fled before the train hit and wasn’t hurt, but the car was badly damaged.

Crossings at South Union and Poplar streets were closed to vehicular traffic for about 12 hours after the incident, police Capt. Patrick Brooks said.

The city contends the railroad has cleared crossings in the past. City plows don’t clear crossings because of the potential to damage rails or rip up railroad ties, Captain Brooks said.