With God's help, Ohio will get to keep its motto


PHILADELPHIA - Never accused of pulling punches, Bill O'Reilly, host of the Fox News Channel's The O'Reilly Factor, took aim yesterday at a federal court decision striking down Ohio's state motto as unconstitutional promotion of religion.

"Leave the motto alone," he told the Ohio delegation to a round of applause. "Some idiot in Washington objects to your motto. If the people in Ohio don't want the motto, then we'll put it on the ballot and have a referendum on it. But shut up."

The 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati ruled 2-1 that the motto, "With God, All Things are Possible," was lifted from the New Testament of the Bible and, therefore, promotes Christianity.

The entire court bench has agreed to hear the state's appeal of the ruling. Meanwhile, the motto lives on.

It's our party ...

Don't tell Ohio Attorney General Betty Montgomery, a voting delegate, that the 2000 Republican National Convention is too orchestrated.

"With all due respect, it's our music, and we're going to orchestrate it the way we want it orchestrated," she said. "It's our time to celebrate."

... no more parties

The convention seemingly has been one party after another for Ohio delegates with some receptions lasting well into the morning hours. So when the state party announced at a breakfast plans to cancel last night's post-convention session, which would have started about 11 p.m., the red-eyed delegation actually cheered.

From the General to Dubya

Forty-eight years ago, Martha Moore of Cambridge, O., attended her first Republican convention while an Ohio State University student, watching as the party nominated Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Today, the day after she cast her vote as a delegate for George W. Bush during her 11th convention, the Ohio College Republicans will honor the state party's vice chairwoman.

While saying she appreciates the honor, she admits she's usually too busy to enjoy the conventions.

"I don't enjoy them," she said. "I worry about people who haven't gotten there yet. I want our staff all to get a chance to get on the floor. They're young and that experience is so great."

Mrs. Moore won't reveal her age, but she vowed today's luncheon is no retirement party.