UT prof enters race for city school board

Dr. Stephen Goldman is director of the Environmental and Plant Science Research Centers at the University of Toledo.
Dr. Stephen Goldman is director of the Environmental and Plant Science Research Centers at the University of Toledo.

Saying Toledo Public Schools must raise its expectations for student achievement and invest more in its teachers, Dr. Stephen Goldman, director of the Environmental and Plant Science Research Centers at the University of Toledo, has decided to run for a seat on the Board of Education.

Dr. Goldman has a PhD in genetics from the University of Missouri, seven patents in genetic engineering of plants, and has had two science experiments carried out on space shuttle missions. He said he's disappointed with the performance of students who graduate from the district.

If elected, “My obligation would be to tell the truth. My obligation would be to elevate the dialogue of the Toledo Public Schools,” he said.

Touring the genetics research laboratory in UT's Wolfe Hall, he pointed to students working on experiments. “We have high expectations, and we reach them,” he said. “That is what is missing at Toledo Public Schools. It's when you expect nothing that you get nothing.”

Dr. Goldman said he supports passage of the district's operating levy on the Aug. 5 ballot but has ideas for where the money should go.

“I want it going back into the classrooms. I want it invested in the students. I want it invested in the teachers.”

“In addition to my belief that there are no throw-away children, I also believe continuing professional development should be required of all teachers, with the Board of Education assuming a share of the expenses for the additional education,” he said.

“I believe competitive salaries must be paid to keep quality teachers,” he said, adding that he would promote more parental involvement. “I believe it's the job of teachers to open the doors to knowledge. I believe it's the obligation of all students to walk through those doors and take ownership of their education.”

The race is nonpartisan, but he is endorsed by the Lucas County Republican Party.

Dr. Goldman is the third candidate to enter the race for two seats on the board. Incumbent Larry Sykes and Deborah Barnett, both Democrats, are running.