Choices plentiful on packed ballots


MONROE - Partisan voters across Monroe County will have plenty of choices to make Tuesday as they select their slates for county and local offices on a packed ballot.

Democrats will have the sole pick of who becomes the next county treasurer, a post that has been held for the last three decades by Norm Blanchett, who is retiring. The winning Democrat - his chief deputy, Kay Sisung of Maybee, or fellow Democrat A. Joseph Keane of Temperance - will have no Republican or independent opponent on the November ballot.

Democrats will have to pick successor candidates for the offices of county prosecutor and drain commissioner. Three men are vying in each race to carry the party standard in November against Republican challengers.

Only Democratic Sheriff Tilman Crutchfield will face a Republican challenger in November in Deputy Charlotte Reaume. Unopposed on Tuesday's ballot and in November are Geri Allen, the clerk of courts-register of deeds; District Court Judge Jack Vitale, and county surveyor George Warnke, as well as Circuit Court judge candidate Mike Weipert, the prosecutor.

Voters will request a partisan ballot that will list only candidates for office from the party selected. In those races where more candidates from the same party file for the number of open seats, primary voters from that party will limit the candidates to the requisite number.

The candidates for office on the primary ballot are:

Sheriff: Incumbent Tilman Crutchfield (D), Charlotte Reaume (R).

Prosecutor: Jeffery Dulany (D), William Nichols (D), Joseph Yanoschik (D), John Luchansky, Jr. (R).

Treasurer: A. Joseph Keane (D), Kay Sisung (D).

Drain Commissioner: Jan Jay (R), Juan Melendez (D), who is no longer seeking office, Lewis Roe, Sr. (D), Daniel Stefanski (D), Jim Vaslo (D).

Clerk of Courts-Register of Deeds: Incumbent Geri Allen (D).

Surveyor: Incumbent George Warnke (D).

County Commission

District 1: Sharon Jaworski (D), Henry Lievens (R), David Vaughan (R).

District 2: Incumbent Dale Zorn (R).

District 3: Frank Beaumont (R), incumbent Thomas Mell (D).

District 4: Incumbent Floreine Mentel (D), Julie Selvidge (R).

District 5: Incumbent William Sisk (D), Edward Widner (D).

District 6: Incumbent Jerry Oley (D).

District 7: Incumbent N. Randy Ansel (R), Leo Heroux (D), Paul Iacoangeli (D), Wayne Meehean (D).

District 8: Incumbent Pearl Albert-Green (R), James Goebel (D).

District 9: Incumbent David Scott (R).

Ash Township

Supervisor: Al Madaski (R), Robin Carmack (D), Carolyn M. Sharron (D), John Sledge, Jr. (D).

Clerk: Bethany Bondy (D), Shelly Ratz (D).

Treasurer: Lucille Mell (D).

Trustee (two to be elected): Adam Grabetz (R), Eric Smith (R), Jim Booth (D), Larry Buckingham (D), Randolph Jedryczka (D), Donald Kecskes, Sr. (D), Beverly Malvitz (D), Terry Wickenheiser (D), Thomas Zemke (D).

Bedford Township

Supervisor: Paul Lynch (D), Walter Wilburn (R).

Clerk: Alec Byrne (R), incumbent Robert Schockman (D).

Treasurer: Incumbent Sherri Meyer (R).

Trustee (four to be elected): Andrew Dier (D), Colleen Kegerreis-Jan (D), Kenneth Kilman (D), Larry O'Dell (D), Paul Francis (R), incumbent Arnold Jennings (R), Richard Steiner (R), incumbent Dennis Steinman (R), Kevin Wexler (R).

Park Commission (five to be elected): Mark Fuller (R), Robert Powers (R), Kathy Schafer (R), Steve Heer (D), Tom Lamour (D), Michael Pasko (D), Connie Velliquette (D).

Berlin Charter Township

Supervisor: Richard Reed (D), Javier Rojas (D).

Clerk: Sharon Lemasters (D).

Treasurer: Judy Lindquist (D), Diana Masserant (D).

Trustee (four to be elected): Tom Blanchett (D), Robert Masserant (D), Sue Miller (D), Marvin Reaume (D), Jerry Tomlinson (D).

Dundee Township

Supervisor: Juanna Uhl (D).

Clerk: Bob Clark (R), Tira Lupu (D).

Treasurer: Lehr Roe (R), Janet Goetz (D).

Trustee (four to be elected): Edward Craft (R), Rollo Juckette (R), Marilyn Larson (D), Gary Lazette (D), John Williams (D).

Erie Township

Supervisor: Raymond Dusseau (R), William Frey (D), Paul Mikels (D).

Clerk: Diane LaPlante (D), Amy Whipple (D).

Treasurer: Incumbent Cindy Baum (D).

Trustee (two to be elected): Maggie Dusseau (D), Tad Cousino (D), incumbent Denise Gordy (D), Tim Rich (I).

Exeter Township

Supervisor: Cheryl Baltrip (D).

Clerk: Billie Iott (R).

Treasurer: Tammy Kernyo (D).

Trustee (two to be elected): Leonard Kernyo (D), Sam Miles (D).

Frenchtown Charter Township

Supervisor: Marty Selvidge (R), James McDevitt (D), James Spas (D), Bob Polk (D).

Clerk: Peggy Barton (D).

Treasurer: Rhonda Sommers (D).

Trustee (four to be elected): Duane Babcock (R), Ignazio Cuccia (R), Thomas Fox (R), Bernard Felder (D), Jeff Grodi (D), Hedwig Bergmann Kaufman (D), Tom Kuehnlein (D), Jack Lindquist, Sr. (D), Kraig Yoas (D).

Constable (two to be elected): Jack Gruska (D), Geoffrey Kovenich (D).

Ida Township

Supervisor: Robert Hotchkiss (R), Greg Lane (R), Ronald Iott (D).

Clerk: Donald Appleman (R).

Treasurer: Sherry Hilkens (R), Leonard Pennington (D).

Trustee (two to be elected): Elmer Bowman (R), Randy Stanifer (D).

Constable: Lance Charter (R), Gary Charter (R).

LaSalle Township

Supervisor: Larry Rutledge (D).

Clerk: Rick Feick (D).

Treasurer: John Zorn (D).

Trustees (two to be elected): David Anteau (R), Lyle Curley (D).

London Township

Supervisor: James Williams (R), Kristopher Neuvirth (D).

Clerk: Larry Lee (R).

Treasurer: Lynn Davidson (D).

Trustee (two to be elected): Aretta Schils (R), Brook Spellings (R), Anthony Eaddy (D), LeRoy Zieske (D).

Milan Township

Supervisor: Phil Heath (D).

Clerk: No candidate filed.

Treasurer: Daryl Lukasik (D).

Trustee (two to be elected): Olga Mancik (D).

Monroe Charter Township

Supervisor: Alan Barron (D), Gary Diehl (D), Sue Johns (D).

Clerk: Bob Schnurr (D).

Treasurer: Julie Althaver (D), Pat Kegerreis (D).

Trustee (four to be elected): Brian Merkle (R), Penny Barton (D), Richard Janssens (D), Patricia Littrell (D), Richard Wilson (D).

Raisinville Township

Supervisor: Gerald Blanchette (D).

Clerk: Janet Kuehnlein (R).

Treasurer: Rosemarie Meyer (R).

Trustee (two to be elected): Robert Oberski (R), Keith Henderson (D).

Constable: Jerry Kuehnlein, Jr. (R).

Summerfield Township

Supervisor: Zelda Lucas (D), Richard Garst (R), Kevin Iott (R).

Clerk: Tammy Bleashka (R).

Treasurer: Joan Wiederhold (R).

Trustee (two to be elected): Robert Ignatowicz (R), Fred Smith (R), Mark Strahan (R), Dale Wagenknecht (R), James Seegert (D).

Whiteford Township

Supervisor: Incumbent Pamela Dressel (R).

Clerk: Bernice Heidelberg (D).

Treasurer: Incumbent Robert Dickerson (R).

Trustee (two to be elected): LeRoy Bunge (R), incumbent Larraine Dressel (D), Douglas Cassada (R).