Persistent protesters greet First Lady


Ms. Logan, her husband, Dennis, and about 20 other protesters lined Summit Street in front of the Radisson Hotel to protest First Lady Laura Bush's visit to Toledo yesterday.

The protesters were loud and persistent throughout Mrs. Bush's hour-long visit at the Radisson, with chants that included "Bush lied, people died," to "AWOL George."

Mrs. Logan, 58, and others held a variety of signs protesting the war in Iraq, the President's economic policies, his stand on health care, or just against Mr. Bush in general.

"People started losing their jobs and I started losing customers," Mrs. Logan said. "The economy affected my businesses until I had to close shop. I'm not against war, but I'm against this war. I didn't have a problem with the war in Afghanistan because that's where the terrorists were, but we don't need to be in Iraq."

Others like Michael Davis, 25, of Toledo, said it is time for a change in the Oval Office.

"We had eight years of peace and serenity under President Clinton and nine months into office, [Mr. Bush] had people attacking us. We lost 3 million jobs since he took office. It's time for a new president."

Not everyone agreed.

Aaron Suchomma, 31, of Toledo, who watched for Mrs. Bush along Monroe Street, said Mr. Bush has helped the country recover from bad policies created under President Clinton.

"He's done more for small business than any other president," Mr. Suchomma said. "I voted for Al Gore, but now I'm glad Bush is in office. This is the best we've ever had it in this country."

Dorothy Gackstetter, 72, of Graytown, Ohio, near Genoa, said even though she would like to see more done with health care, she supports the President.

"He's done a good job," she said while waiting to get a glimpse of Mrs. Bush with a small group of Bush supporters who attended the speech inside the hotel.